Tuesday 9 July 2013

DIY: Sparkle Top Pencils

Contributor post by Penelope and Pip.

I was shopping with my niece this week and we came across some sparkly topped pencils. We were both very smitten, but they were quite expensive, so sadly they stayed on the shelf.

With glitzy pencils firmly stuck in my mind all afternoon, I set out to create my own little menagerie of pencils that know how to party (and don't cost the earth either).

This could be the easiest DIY you'll ever do, and the results are full of sparkly goodness.

Let's get started with materials:


1. Sequins with a flat base (you'll find them at art stores and haberdasheries)
2. Wooden pencils with a flat top
3. Craft glue

In just two easy steps, you're minutes away from some serious colleague envy at your cute pencils.

 Step 1: Put a dab of craft glue on the end of your pencil.

Step 2: Carefully place your sequin down on top of the glue, wipe any excess away and leave to dry.

Now just keep adding glue and adding sequins! 

This would be a very easy back to school project for the kids as well that would make them the envy of the classmates when they return from summer holidays.

These little sparkly pencils gems will really brighten up your desk and make you smile.

Rachael is an illustrator from Brisbane, Australia and is the creator of the whimsical world of Penelope and Pip. You can sneak a peek at her illustrations here and see what other projects and adventures are inspiring her on her blog too.

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